Make Sure Your Roof is Ready for Snow and Ice

snow on the roof, roofing problemIt’s that time of year again when winter is on its way. Should you have your roof inspected before winter? Yes.

It’s a good idea to have Roofing by Bruce come to your house and inspect your roof before the snow and ice come and cover the roof (and it’s 0 degrees outside).

Things a Roof Estimate Might Find

What are some things Roofing by Bruce would look for, regarding the condition of your current roof? Well, you might have cracking, leaning or missing mortar that needs fixing or otherwise you have an unstable roof. And if the roofline seems to be curving, bending, or drooping, that’s definitely something that needs attention– you don’t want it caving in on a cold winter’s night!

Have you ever noticed roofs in the winter where ice forms at the gutter area in such a way that water is NOT flowing off the roof and away from the house freely? Those are ice dams, and the house probably doesn’t have proper roof ventilation. Snow slides down the roof and accumulates in the gutters where it freezes. That’s not good. An estimate can check your insulation, ventilation, gutters and downspouts to help ensure you don’t get ice dams this winter.

Some of the other things Roofing by Bruce checks during a roof estimate before winter weather hits include loose shingle granules in the gutter, missing/breaking/cracking shingles needing replacement, and/or if there are any holes or leaks in the roof which lead to water damage to the home. You don’t want dampness, rot, fungus, etc. ruining the exterior or interior of your beloved home.

Now’s a good time to call for your pre-winter roof estimate. Call Roofing by Bruce of East Stroudsburg, PA, at 570-424-8891 to schedule your estimate. Roofing by Bruce can also take a professional look at your skylights, windows & siding, chimney and fireplace.

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